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The SzEged TRombone ENsemble, abbreviated as SETREN, was founded in 2006 by some of the most talented trombone players at the University of Szeged, led by György Gyivicsan, international soloist and former trombone professor at the University of Szeged.


The ensemble members have landed positions and have become lead performers in mainstream orchestras all over the world. However, they have never lost their enthusiasm and connection toward chamber music. This has always kept the musicians connected! 

This extraordinary ensemble, “a group of eight trombone players” are an integral component of Hungarian musical scene and frequent performers at various international festivals. They have attended and performed at Europe’s most prestigious trombone and brass events and in 2022 they founded their own international festival, the SETRENFest.

Their musical repertoire is broad and rich, covering different genres including but not limited to: baroque, classical, romantic, contemporary, movie soundtracks and even pop rock adaptations. Besides performing, the ensemble has released six albums. All of them are available through the most popular streaming platforms.

Their YouTube channel hosts nearly one hundred videos and clips, and has earned the recognition of the international musical community.

Due to their work, members of the ensemble mostly live and work in Budapest, including artistic director and founder, György Gyivicsan, who was appointed as Trombone Professor of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest since 2019.

In memory of the development and initial success in Szeged, the name of the ensemble, Szeged Trombone Ensemble, will continue to stay.


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